Custom Robots Txt Generator for Blogger

By Using Free Custom Robots Txt Generator for Blogger You Can Generate SEO Friendly txt Code for Your Blogspot Website Which Can Be Important for Your Website SEO Optimization.

Custom robots txt generator for blogger

In today’s digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) has become an essential aspect of online marketing. One of the crucial elements of SEO is the robots.txt file, which is a text file that instructs search engine crawlers on which pages to crawl and which to ignore. Creating a robots.txt file manually can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. That’s where custom robots.txt generators come in handy. In this article, we’ll discuss what a custom robots txt generator for blogger is, how it works, and how it can benefit your Blogger blog.

What is a Custom Robots txt Generator for blogger?

A custom robots.txt generator is an online tool that helps you create a customized robots.txt file for your website or blog. It allows you to specify which pages and directories should be crawled by search engines and which should be excluded. The generator provides you with a user-friendly interface that enables you to input your website’s URL and select the pages and directories you want to include or exclude from the crawl process.

How Does a Custom Robots txt Generator for Blogger Work?

A custom robots txt generator for blogger works by generating a robots.txt file based on your input preferences. When you input your website’s URL into the generator, it scans your website and identifies all the pages and directories that need to be included or excluded from the crawl process. The generator then generates a customized robots.txt file that reflects your preferences, which you can download and upload to your website’s root directory.

Benefits of Using a Custom Robots txt Generator for Blogger Blogs:

  1. Saves Time:

Creating a robots.txt file manually can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large website with numerous pages and directories. A custom robots.txt generator saves time by generating the file automatically based on your preferences, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your blog’s SEO strategy.

  1. Enhances SEO:

A well-crafted robots.txt file can significantly enhance your blog’s SEO by ensuring that search engines crawl only the pages that are relevant to your blog’s content while excluding duplicate or low-quality pages that may negatively impact your blog’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). By using a custom robots.txt generator, you can ensure that your blog’s SEO strategy is optimized for search engines, improving its visibility and ranking on SERPs.

  1. Prevents Indexing Errors:

Indexing errors occur when search engines index pages that should not be indexed, leading to duplicate content issues and negatively impacting your blog’s ranking on SERPs. By using a custom robots.txt generator, you can prevent indexing errors by excluding duplicate or low-quality pages from the crawl process, ensuring that only high-quality pages are indexed by search engines, improving your blog’s ranking on SERPs.

  1. Improves Site Speed:

Search engines consider site speed as one of the ranking factors for websites and blogs. By using a custom robots.txt generator, you can improve your blog’s site speed by excluding unnecessary pages and directories from the crawl process, reducing the number of requests made by search engines to your server, improving site speed, and enhancing user experience on your blog.

  1. Prevents Crawl Budget Waste:

Crawl budget refers to the number of pages that search engines crawl on your website during each crawl session. By using a custom robots.txt generator, you can prevent crawl budget waste by excluding unnecessary pages and directories from the crawl process, ensuring that search engines focus their crawl budget on high-quality pages that are relevant to your blog’s content, improving its ranking on SERPs and reducing server load during each crawl session.

Read : Blogger Custom Domain SEO Settings

How to Use a Custom Robots txt Generator for Blogger Blogs:

  • Go to a Custom Robots.txt Generator:
    There are several custom robots.txt generators available online, such as Google Search Console’s Robots Tester Tool (Google robots-testing-tool), Blogger Robots txt Generator, and Yoast SEO. Choose one that suits your needs and preferences best based on its features, user interface, and pricing plan (if any).
  • Input Your Website URL:
    Input your Blogger blog’s URL into the generator’s input field provided for this purpose (either HTTP or HTTPS).
  • Click On Generate Button:
    The generator will scan your website and display all its pages and directories in a list format below the input field provided for this purpose (either HTTP or HTTPS). Select the pages and directories you want to include or exclude from the crawl process by checking or unchecking their respective boxes provided for this purpose in front of each page or directory name displayed in the list format below the input field provided for this purpose (either HTTP or HTTPS).
  • Copy Your Generated Code:
    The generator will generate a customized robots file based on your input preferences automatically after selecting all the required pages and directories in step three above (either HTTP or HTTPS). You can further customize this generated file by adding additional rules or restrictions based on your specific requirements using advanced options provided for this purpose in front of each page or directory name displayed in the list format below the input field provided for this purpose (either HTTP or HTTPS).
  • Paste Generated Code:
    Once you have selected all the required pages and directories in step three above (either HTTP or HTTPS) and further customized this generated file in step four above (either HTTP or HTTPS), download it by clicking on the “copy” button provided for this purpose below the generated file displayed in front of each page or directory name displayed in the list format below the input field provided for this purpose (either HTTP or HTTPS). and paste the copy code in your custom robots txt area and click on save button.


A custom robots txt generator for blogger is an essential tool for optimizing SEO strategies for blogger websites and blogs such as Blogger blogs due to its ability to save time, enhance SEO, prevent indexing errors, improve site speed, prevent crawl budget waste, etc., as discussed above (either HTTP or HTTPS). By following our step-by-step guide above (either HTTP or HTTPS), you can easily use a custom robots txt generator for blogger to generate a customized robots file containing all

Source Of This Article: Blogger Robots txt Generator


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