Movie Review: ‘Jackpot!’ | Moviephone

John Cena and Aukwafina in 'Jackpot!'

(L to R) John Cena and Aukwafina in ‘Jackpot!’ Credit: Image courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios. Copyright: @ Amazon Content Services LLC.

On August 15th on Prime Video, ‘Jackpot!’ Paul Feig returns to the action-comedy territory that served him well for ‘Spy’ and ‘The Hit.’

Yet his latest, like a couple of his other recent efforts, has been sent straight to streaming, which indicates how difficult it is for filmmakers to find theaters outside of giant franchises or indie films that get released. Still, it’s entertaining enough.

What ‘Jackpot!’ Successful in the movie lottery?

John Cena and Aukwafina in 'Jackpot!'

(L to R) John Cena and Aukwafina in ‘Jackpot!’ Credit: Image courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios. Copyright: @ Amazon Content Services LLC.

While it doesn’t always exploit the satirical nature of its story, choosing instead to focus on frantic action and gags, the movie certainly offers enough to keep you watching. Sometimes it feels like the improvisational style that Feig favors means a lot is thrown at the wall and not all of it works, but there’s a solid layer of jokes here.

Related Article: Paul Figg ‘Jackpot!’ and working with Awkwafina and John Cena

‘Jackpot!’: Script and Direction

Directed by Paul Feig, John Cena and Simu Liu in 'Jackpot!'

(L to R) Director Paul Feig, John Cena and Simu Liu in ‘Jackpot!’ Credit: Image courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios. Copyright: @ Amazon Content Services LLC.

Author Rob Yescombe’s backstory in video game writing, and there are moments when ‘Jackpot!’ There’s definitely that feeling –– it’s a sense of progression as Awkwafina and John Cena’s characters fight their way through different levels of enemies to take him down and win the money.

But it’s enough of a framework upon which Feig and co. Lots of jokes can be left hanging (and the original idea is sound and funny), and while a lot of stunt work was created after the script had already been delivered, there’s a lot of fun in the basic ideas.

Feig has worked with action before –– most notably in ‘Spy,’ which remains one of his best movies –– and he knows how to respect both the advice and ability of his stunt performers and the willingness of his actors to deliver comedy.

Still, there are certainly moments where it feels like he only lets Aukwafina scream in particular as chaos reigns around him, and a scene or two could have benefited from judicious editing.

‘Jackpot!’: acting

John Cena and Katie Acquafina in 'Jackpot!'

(L to R) John Cena and Katie Aukwafina in ‘Jackpot!’ Credit: Image courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios. Copyright: @ Amazon Content Services LLC.

Cena and Awkwafina are definitely the focus here, with some welcome, unabashed support from Simu Liu as a corporate security agent who has another agenda that he lets on.

Yet around them Feig –– whose resume includes work on shows like “The Office” –– builds a quality comedy troupe with people he knows can deliver even in small roles.

Aokwafina as Katie Kim

Awkwafina plays 'Katie' in 'Jackpot!'

Awkwafina plays ‘Katie’ in ‘Jackpot!’ Credit: Image courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios. Copyright: @ Amazon Content Services LLC.

Awkwafina hails from YouTube and has made a scene-stealing career as a supporting actress in movies like ‘Crazy Rich Asians’. His particular strengths may not always be a natural fit for lead roles, but here you buy him as a frustrated actor and out-of-towner who can’t quite understand what’s going on with him.

And he plays wonderfully from Cena, their buddy comedy strengths tempered with moments of weakness and their total commitment to movie mania.

John Cena as Noel Cassidy

John Cena and Katie Acquafina in 'Jackpot!'

(L to R) John Cena and Katie Aukwafina in ‘Jackpot!’ Credit: Image courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios. Copyright: @ Amazon Content Services LLC.

For a long time it seemed like Cena would simply follow in the footsteps of wrestler-actors like Dwayne Johnson, but in the past few years, Cena has really started to come into his own as a vanity-free, committed combo. Muscular action star and class clown.

Roles in projects like ‘Peacemaker’ and more recently ‘The Bear’ have shown her range and ‘Jackpot!’ Not demanding the same level of performance, it is also a difficult part for the actor.

His Noel is a welcome mix of tough guy and bleeding heart, with a commitment to saving lives that becomes evident later in the movie. And, as mentioned above, she works really well with Awkwafina, matching her comedic energy level.

Simu Liu as Louis Louis

(L to R) Agents Hoyt (Monique Ganderton) and Liu (Simu Liu) 'Jackpot!' Image: Amazon.

(L to R) Agents Hoyt (Monique Ganderton) and Liu (Simu Liu) ‘Jackpot!’ Image: Amazon.

Some see Liu and Aukwafina sharing the screen and start wondering where the ‘Shang-Chi’ sequel is, because they really work well with each other. As Louie, Liu shows that he hasn’t lost his comedic skills (since he started on the Canadian sitcom ‘Kim’s Convenience’), playing a corporate sleaze who makes money by protecting lottery winners.

Aiden Murray as Shadi

(L to R) Shadi (Ayden Mayeri) and DJ (Donald Elise Watkins) 'Jackpot!' Image: Amazon.

(L to R) Shadi (Ayden Mayeri) and DJ (Donald Elise Watkins) ‘Jackpot!’ Image: Amazon.

Ayden Murray is the empty, vengeful Shadi, a wannabe performer who enjoys a welcome breakout role as possibly the worst Airbnb challan in Los Angeles. Together with bumbling boyfriend DJ (Donald Ellis Watkins, who’s also funny), he’s more than just a one-note comedic character, becoming a true villain as the story progresses.

Supporting cast

Murray Hill and Dolly De Leon in 'Jackpot!'

(L to R) Murray Hill and Dolly De Leon in ‘Jackpot!’ Credit: Image courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios. Copyright: @ Amazon Content Services LLC.

Figg’s eye for talent (both established and new) stands him in good stead for this movie. You have the likes of Seann William Scott and Dolly De Leon in a fun opening scene featuring a former lottery winner and the seemingly innocent grandma who takes him down. It may be seen as a parody of action movies or something featured on ‘Saturday Night Live’, but it successfully launches you into the world of the film.

‘Jackpot!’: Final thoughts

(L to R) Noel (John Cena) and Katie (Awkwafina) 'Jackpot!' Image: Amazon.

(L to R) Noel (John Cena) and Katie (Awkwafina) ‘Jackpot!’ Image: Amazon.

‘Jackpot!’ Did it really work when it was released in theaters? Comedy has certainly struggled in the past few years, much of it moving to the streaming world. And despite the huge success of titles like ‘The Hangover’ and even Figg’s own ‘Bridesmaids,’ it was always a risky prospect for studios.

Still, as it stands, it’s definitely worth an evening checking out and will definitely make you laugh.

‘Jackpot!’ Gets 7.5 out of 10 stars.

“Run with the money.”


And1 hour 47 minutes15th August, 2024

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‘Jackpot!’ What is its plot?

In the future, a ‘Grand Lottery’ is newly established in California – the catch: kill the winner before sunset to legally claim their multi-billion-dollar jackpot. When Katie Kim (Akwafina) moves to Los Angeles, she accidentally finds herself with the winning ticket. Desperate to escape a gang of jackpot hunters, he reluctantly joins forces with amateur lottery security agent Noel Cassidy (John Cena) who will do everything in his power to make him sunset in exchange for a share of his prize. However, Noel must face off against his sleazy rival Louis Lewis (Simu Liu), who wants to collect Katie’s commission at any cost.

Who is in the cast of ‘Jackpot’?

  • Aokwafina as Katie
  • John Cena as Noel
  • Simu Liu as Louis Louis
  • Seann William Scott as the Rugged Man
  • Dolly de Leon as Grandmother Tala
'Jackpot!' Premieres August 15th on Prime Video.

‘Jackpot!’ Premieres August 15th on Prime Video.

Other Paul Feig Movies:

Buy Paul Feig Movies on Amazon

‘Jackpot!’ Please click the video player below to watch our exclusive interview with About director Paul Feig.

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