Ayush Sharma is all out in a painfully swollen concussion

A dead terrorist’s son, adopted by a no-nonsense police officer, grows up with a mammoth chip on his shoulder – regardless, the young man is determined to go out of his way to save the nation from harm and earn its label for himself. A true patriot. He needs little prodding to swing into action. He is, both in body and spirit, invincible to boot.

The titular hero is played by Aayush Sharma, who also goes all out to prove a point – the lead actor wants to be recognized as a heavy-duty action hero capable of carrying an entire film on his shoulders.

Sharma never stopped striving towards that goal. it is RuslanThe film and the character, which make him so bad that he has no way back into any kind of sanity. The film is a boat that not only has no wind in its sails, it is riddled with holes.

After that in the third release profiteer And Anthem: The Final TruthHe gets all the help he needs from screenwriter Yunus Sajwal and director Karan Lalit Butani. They pull out the stops and make a film that lets the actor run completely free. The film suffered a major loss in the bargain.

Ruslan A painfully bloated concoction that features an indomitable warrior committed to his national and personal mission. At the slightest provocation, he started cracking down on those who harbored ill-feeling towards India and constantly publicized his unsavory relationship. patriotism.

Ruslan Yawning suffers from the gap that separates intent and outcome. The hero passes himself off as a music teacher who never lets his guitar out of his sight. How we wish he would choose violence over music.

The man is unable to produce a single passable song. The notes he hits are far worse than the ones he makes when he flails his arms and lets his fists fly.

Whenever and wherever danger lurks the hero rushes in and goes hell for leather against the country’s enemies even rubbing his boss, R&AW agent Mantra (Vidya Malvade) the wrong way. He delights in disobeying orders from his superiors but always gets the job done. When you’re patriotic, what can stop you?

Nothing particularly exceptional there. Most men of action in Hindi action movies follow the same playbook that relies on the exploits of tough-guy crusaders. Ruslan has nothing new to offer. It has action, music, emotion and plenty of empty speeches and adventure, all crammed into two hours of relentless overdrive.

Ruslan In a way, the turbo-charged nationalist fervor in Bollywood is both a reaction to and an extension of campaign films made of late to vilify communities that are directly singled out for others and to further electoral history. Special ideals.

This is a response because the hero is a Muslim boy to all the pop patriotic, contemporary and historical, that Hindi films have paraded across the big screen in recent years. But Aayush Sharma is not Akshay Kumar. He is not even Vidyut Jammwal. His rings of valor are hollow because they ride on ideas that have caused death.

its character Ruslan This is an extension as the story begins with the appearance of a Muslim terrorist. The onus is on his son, the sole survivor of the family, to work extremely hard to clear his name.

RuslanFor all the tone deaf it makes about the hero’s steadfast, unwavering loyalty, it reinforces the good Muslim-bad Muslim binary. The bad is very bad; Good is immeasurably good.

The hero’s courage under fire springs from his past as well as the upbringing he is blessed with by his adoptive father, a police officer (Jagapati Babu) who can make mistakes, and his wife. Ruslan also has a girlfriend (Ms. Shreya Mishra), who turns up to sing a song every time the man is forced to give up in the line of duty amid severe bleeding.

The biggest problem with films like Ruslan is that they don’t have anything that makes the audience feel like they are watching it for the first time. The lack of novelty and the bordering-on-the-bombastic dialogues give the film a core that is so empty that it can’t hold on to anything.

To be fair, Aayush Sharma spares no effort in pulling off the action sequences – the performance bears confusing signs that he’s evolving as an actor – but he still comes across as remarkably lacking in emotional dexterity.

He is particularly shown in the presence of Jagapathi Babu, who carries his historical weight with greater impact despite being plagued with unexpected situations and lines. Other actors in the cast are painted into a corner from which they have no escape.

As a one-man-killer-squad action flick, Ruslan – The word means lion – inevitably a one-trick pony. What makes matters worse is that the pony’s legs are very weak. It is unable to make much ground. No matter what it does in an effort to bolster its pace and impact, it falls flat as the good-versus-evil drama spirals out of control.

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